Saturday, 15 April 2023

Book Signing on April 22!


Rick Ferguson is a member of the Uxbridge Writers' Circle and will be at

on Saturday, April 22 to sign his exciting book The Ghosts in Maple Lest Gardens. 

Here's the blurb:

The Toronto Maple Leafs have not won a Stanley Cup since 1967- a burden that long-suffering fans have regrettably had to bear. Ron Bailey, the new director of player personnel for the Leafs, is more than frustrated with his beloved team, who last won the prestigious title when he was just three. Unfortunately, Ron worries that the cynical Canadian fans and media who fear it may be another forty years before the Leafs win another one might be right. 

Just as he is about to give up hope, Bailey accidentally uncovers a possible reason for the Leafs' long drought- a curse that has been supposedly placed on the team by the father of Dale McCaine, a former player who, due to tragic circumstances, never had the opportunity to play for a cup. As Bailey's curiosity peaks, he asks for a meeting with the feisty and feeble Doug McCaine- who asks for a second chance for his deceased son to play for the Stanley Cup in Maple Leaf Gardens. Only then will he lift his curse.

In this sports adventure, a young hockey director must orchestrate the game of the century as the spirits of former greats band together to help a player's dreams come true. 

I hope to see you at the book signing!